
Monday, February 15, 2010

Eisley Sings the "50 States" song

Eisley started singing the ABC's a few weeks ago which surprised us... but this totally blew us away. She has only heard it a few times on Sesame Street and apparently has a great memory. She sings it pretty quiet and several of the 3 and 4 syllable states get truncated and mushed together but it is definitely all the states. Turn it up and listen carefully.

Last night I had an idea that made me laugh and laugh til about 1:00 in the morning. In fact, it seemed so funny I woke up laughing. The great idea was to take this video of Eisley screaming beyond the threshold of pain and, after luring unsuspecting victims into turning up their speakers and leaning in close, give them a pants messing surprise. However, judging by the "wrong video" comments, it is not nearly as funny as it was in the middle of the night. Sorry to disappoint, Eisley does not know the 50 States... she is 16 months old.


AJ said...

Wrong video

Angela said...

She sure can "sing" or maybe it is SCREAM at the top of her lungs. I would love to hear the real song though...prove it to me!!

Charee B Mcclellan said...

that was mean...my ears hurt now..hee hee j/k! what a cutie!

Katie said...

You guys are so funny. Luckily I didn't turn my speakers all the way up and listen carefully. But what a cutie pie.

AMiller said...

I totally got it. I was about to be really impressed. I am laughing with you.

Jenae said...

I will be sending you a bill to replace my speakers