Not many people know this, but about a week and a half ago our little Eisley gave us quite the scare. While Eisley and I were out running errands she began convulsing in her car seat. I immediately pulled over and got her out to find her turning blue. Nothing was in her mouth and I was so unsure of what had happened. Franticly with my limp sweet girl in my arms I was able to run to the nearest person for help. Together we did back thrusts and called 911. Soon she threw up and was thankfully breathing again. Still very out of it and moaning, the paramedics arrived and checked her out. We found out she had a temperature of 104.5 degrees. Because her temperature had spiked so quickly, she had the seizure. They are called febrile seizures. They generally aren't that dangerous unless they last a long time, but in Eisley's case I believe that the seizure had caused mucus to cut off her breathing making it very dangerous. It was all very very very scary. It is still hard for me. Thinking back however, I feel extremely grateful and that is why I am posting today. I am grateful that I had randomly decided to take an illegal turn into the parking lot before I even noticed her. I can't imagine trying to deal with that at a red light, or on the main road. I am grateful that I was close to other people included an amazing woman who helped me in a time of panic. It's amazing how prepared you can be (I'm first aid certified), but in the moment feel so lost and unsure. She kept me calm, focused, and helped with Eisley so well. I am grateful that Eisley was in a forward facing car seat. She was completely quiet back there when it was all happening and had been sleeping too. I am lucky I could see her so well, that I was looking back as often as I did, and was at a place to help her the quickest. Overall, I am grateful to have Eisley with us today. She is so sweet, fun, beautiful, and truly lights up our lives and the lives of those around her! Although the experience was awful, my love and appreciation for her has increased. I'm grateful that Heavenly Father sent us such an amazing little girl and that He has blessed us again by keeping her safe.