We had a blast with some of our good friends for Cinco de Mayo this year! We all gathered in Provo for a BBQ at the park. Dan and I were put in charge of coming up with fun games for the event. We took this assignment very seriously! We don't mess around! We started with 'Pin the Mustache on the Gaucho', followed by the 'Taquito Toss'. I have to give props to the Pendletons for dominating the mustache game (even though Matt started wandering way out of bounds he ended up finding his way back and almost nailing it), and props to the Tieks for beating Dan and I in a single shot overtime round of Taquito Toss. We so almost had them. We then broke up into two teams for a special relay race that included holding and passing a bell pepper neck to neck, carrying cinco hot tamales with a hot pad without dropping them, and finishing by chugging a one liter of sprite, getting the worm from the bottom and passing the worm on to their partner to eat. It was definitely intense!! Our team came out victorious!! Matt nearly threw up his sprite, but made it through quick enough to have Jamie pretty much swallow the worm whole. They had to be quick because Ben was taking down the Sprite like a champ and Sheri was on Jamie's tail to finish the worm. Way to go team!! Back at the house we ended the night with a couple of Mexican Word Wizard games where we had to match Spanish words to the appropriate pictures and also unscramble other frequently used Spanish words. We had a blast!! Thanks Sami for planning it and making that amazing Pinata!!

Dan was allowed a mustache for this special occasion only!! It usually makes me want to vomit!

Hola!! Sporting the sombrero!

Smashing the killer Pinata Sami made for the special day!!

Our magnificent Mexican Gaucho! Some people were way off! The 'Taquito Toss' was between his legs afterwards!

Dan's a little scary here. He's just really excited about the taquito event I guess.

Looks like Ben's about to throw up and Matt is in the process. They're chugging their "Tequila" Sprite!